”And he gave some, Apostles, and some Prophets; and some Evangelists; and some, Pastors and Teachers; for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”. (Ephesians 4:11-12) (Acts 42, 47)
The Maturity Department is to foster Christian commitment, growth and spiritual maturity so that Gods people are prepared for service in the Body of Christ.
It began in England as the Sunday School Movement (1780) and continues today under a variety of names, including the Sunday Church School, or the Church School. Even though the Sunday school originated over two hundred years ago, most church leaders believe that an organized program of intergenerational Christian teaching still has a significant place in the life of local congregations. Our primary concern at RMBC is to meet the educational and spiritual needs of our children, youth, and adults so they may grow into mature Christian disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Iron Man Challenge
Scripture: “Sharpening Men Who Will Shape A Generation” (Proverbs 27:17)
The purpose of Iron Man Challenge is to help the men of our church and community to become disciples. Men who are called to walk with Christ (2 Timothy 3:15-17). By developing men into mature disciples of Jesus Christ they will be able to labor in the harvest field for men’s souls. He said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest therefore, to send out workers in the field” (Matthew 9:37-38). Our vision is to see every man we influence to serve GOD at home, at work and in the church.
The three main elements of Iron Man Challenge:
Deepen a man’s relationship with GOD! (Matthew 22:37-38)
Develop a man’s relationship with men! (Matthew 22:39-40)
Disciple a man’s life for service! (Matthew 28:18-20)
We will do this by helping Men develop authentic relationships in Christianity that will help them:
Find a true meaning through the gospel through relevant teaching and shared experiences;
Become leaders in their households and in the church;
Be living examples of the gospel in the marketplace, the community and in the world;
To develop into Godly men and leaders, through training, fellowship, day-by-day applications of the Word of GOD and through service to meet the various needs of the community.
Grow into Godly men through relational discipleship and the power of the Holy Spirit.
To build relationships with men, to encourage them essentially and bring them close to Christ through fellowship, mentoring and disciplining.
To become a community of transformed men who leave a lasting legacy to the honor of Jesus Christ.
To encourage and equip every man to be committed, competent, creative and compassionate in serving others for the glory of GOD.
To help men connect in deeper relationships with other Christian men who encourage, support and pray for each other in their struggles against all sin. “As Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17).
Iron Man Challenge Events:
Breakfast (4th Saturday monthly)
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a one-week Bible based curriculum held each year in July. VBS is a time for Parents, Students, the Community and the Church to come together to learn, be challenged, and to enhance their individual knowledge about Jesus Christ. Activities are held throughout the week for other children and adults. Children, youth, young adults and adults are invited to participate in the learning experience, the teaching experience, the outreach experience and the overall ministry experience of Vacation Bible School at RMBC. Volunteers with all gifts, talents and abilities are encouraged to serve in all areas of ministry (Teaching, Culinary, Teaching Assistants, Hall Monitors, Shepherds, Security, Costumes, Crafts, Music, etc).
The Byron G Ragsdale Scholarship was formed on the foundation that any member of RMBC who desires to continue their education beyond high school. This appointed ministry’s objective is to solicit and review scholarship applications from the church membership. New applications are reviewed annually to screen for qualifications and to determine the amount of scholarship for each applicant.
Select the below link for more information on the “Rehoboth Leadership Conference”.